Abductive logic programming in prolog pdf

I abductive solution reuse from one context to others. I integrating tabdual with program updates evolpr and other logic programming features. Representing incomplete knowledge in abductive logic programming. In this article we present a new programming language, hyprolog, which augments prolog with the following hypothetical reasoning capabilities. Programming in logic without logic programming theory and. The best known logic programming language, as you probably know, is called prolog. Prolog programming with logic very different from other programming languages declarative not procedural recursion no for or while loops relations no functions unification. Pdf representing incomplete knowledge in abductive logic. Abductive logic programming and the sciff language, with a mention to its abductive proof procedure. A preliminary implementation has been developed using the aspprolog platform. A probabilistic logic for abductive reasoning sindhu v.

However, arethey reallypracticalenough for real worldpervasivecomputing applications. The journal of logic programming vol 27, issue 2, pages. Major logic programming language families include prolog, answer set programming asp and datalog. Abductive logic programming agents with destructive databases. The application of ciff to planning is discussed in section 4. Abduction in logic programming stanford university. These details, which are straightforward to add, are left out for simplicity. The negotiation processes are formulated under the answer set semantics of abductive logic programming, and they enable the exploration of various strategies that agents can employ in their negotiation. Prolog is a good choice for developing complex applications, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. Prologs very useful expressive power is not captured by traditional logic programming semantics, due mainly to the cut and goal and clause order. There is no reason why the letters should be capitalised. By far the most widely used logic programming language is prolog. Latex document can then be displayed in pdf format. Programming in logic without logic programming theory.

Logic programming 1 introduction abduction in logic programming has proved to be a powerful technique for solving a range of complex problems, and a large number of approaches have been reported, see 14 for overview. Abductive logic programming is an extension of normal logic programming that allows some predicates, declared as abducible predicates, to be open or undefined. Logic programming has been recently extended to include abduction as an inference mechanism leading to the development of abductive logic programming alp. The ciff proof procedure for abductive logic programming with. This done using certain builtin predicates, such as is2.

Kakasmancarella procedure17 are tested on modern standard pc and have given promising results. Probabilistic abductive logic programming using dirichlet. Prolog s very useful expressive power is not captured by traditional logic programming semantics, due mainly to the cut and goal and clause order. As opposed to imperative languages such as c or java the latter of which also happens to be objectoriented it is a declarative programming language. Executable speci cations for hypothesisbased reasoning. Coherent integration of databases by abductive logic programming. Executable speci cations for hypothesisbased reasoning with. In the university time tabling problem, a prolog or clp solution will not be based on. Adapting the definitions from, an abductive logic program is a tuple. We outline the general framework of abduction and its applications to knowledge assimilation and default reasoning. Abductive logic programming agents with destructive. Threeee o s o easo g forms of reasoning deduction an analytic process based on the application of general rules to particular cases with the inference of a result. The journal of logic programming vol 27, issue 2, pages 89.

Download the book as a pdf file download the errata download transparencies. This means that logic programming can be used as a programming language. A number of abductive proof procedures have been proposed in the literature, e. New and extended topics include constraint logic programming, abductive reasoning and partial order planning.

It has been used in the european community socs project to develop an intelligent agent model. This paper is a survey and critical overview of recent work on the extension of logic programming to perform abductive reasoning abductive logic programming. Logic programming, part 1 video lectures structure. Download the book as a pdf file download the errata.

Prolog, negation as failure, abductive logic programming, higherorder logic programming, and more download pdf introduction to logic programming. These lecture notes introduce the declarative programming language prolog. Even though logic programming and nonmonotonic logic share many common goals and techniques, for some time there were no strong ties between the two research communities. Prolog programming in logic is one of the classical programming languages developed speci cally for applications in ai. In 7 the authors proposed an implementation of the tableau algorithm in prolog, exploiting prologs. Programming in pure prolog we learned in chapter 3 that logic programs can be used for computing. One of the earliest uses of abductive logic programming was that by eshgi, referrenced in the event calculus article. Inductive logic programming reasoning with incomplete information default reasoning abduction induction assume normal state of affairs, unless there is evidence to the contrary choose between several explanations that explain an observation generalize a rule from a number of similar observations if something is a bird, it. Integrating logic programming and production systems in abductive logic programming agents. Implementing probabilistic abductive logic programming with. Prolog, negation as failure, abductive logic programming, higherorder logic programming, and more authored by alez, gaby released at 2016 filesize.

Show full abstract eshghikowalski abductive procedure for logic programming. Nevertheless, a short chapter on the logic foundations of prolog is included as well. A new prologlike inference system that computes abductive explanations and their costs is given. We argue that logic programming is still immature, compared with.

Prolog programming in logic is a logicbased programming language. Tabled abduction in logic programs arizona state university. To facilitate the computation of minimumcost explanations, the inference system, unlike others such as prolog, is designed to avoid the repeated use of the same instance of an axiom or assumption. We introduce assumptive logic programming alp, a novel framework of handling state information for logic programming languages on top of backtrackable assumptions linear a ne and intuitionistic implications ranging over the current continuation and we show its applications to hypothetical reasoning and high level natural language processing.

Problem solving is effected by deriving hypotheses on these abducible predicates abductive hypotheses as. Prolog has to be told explicitly to evaluate it as an arithmetic expressions. The language builds upon the alp combination of logic programs, to represent an agents beliefs, and integrity constraints. I various pragmatics to deal with loops and dual transformation. In this work, we show that abductive logic programming alp can be used to. A fixpoint characterization of abductive logic programs. Programming in prolog download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi. Logic programs provide a very exible and general representation scheme for knowledge about complex and interrelated phenomena. Divided into two parts, the first part of the book introduces the programming language prolog, while the second part teaches artificial intelligence using prolog as a tool for the implementation of ai techniques. This book is not primarily intended to be a theoretical handbook on logic programming.

A prologlike inference system for computing minimumcost. In recent years, many proof procedures for abductive logic programming with constraints have been proposed, including aclp and the asystem which have been applied to many. Ferilli1,2 1 dipartimento di informatica universita di bari fulvio. A pb program is an abductive logic program enhanced with probabilistic predicates. In this work we study the introduction of parallelism in the operational behaviour of an abductive logic program over and above the parallelism found in an ordinary logic program. Pie is a prologembedded environment for automated rea soning on the basis of. And people who do logic programming say thatthey have this little phrasethey say the point of logic programming is that you use logic to express what is true, you use logic to check whether something is true, and you use logic to find out what is true.

I abduction under negative goals with dual transformation. Abductive logic programming for datalog ontologies ceur. Divided into two parts, the first part of the book introduces the programming language prolog, while the second part teaches artificial intelligence using prolog as a. Abductive reasoning in prolog and chr a short introduction for the kiis course, autumn 2005 henning christiansen roskilde university, computer science dept. Logic programming and knowledge representationthe a prolog. Nor is it intended to be a book on advanced prolog programming or on constraint logic programming. A new prolog like inference system that computes abductive explanations and their costs is given. However, to make it a viable tool for programming the problems of e. Abductive logic programming alp is a highlevel knowledgerepresentation framework that can be used to solve problems declaratively based on abductive reasoning.

Any program written in a logic programming language is a set of sentences in logical form, expressing facts and rules about some problem domain. I am looking to clarify the some things about abductive logic programming vs. Several alternative semantics have been put forward, exposing operational details of the computation state. Version 27 sep 2005 1 deduction, abduction, and induction in logic programming the philosopher c. Pieproving, interpolating and eliminating on the basis of first. Distributed abductive reasoning system and abduction in. The ciff proof procedure for abductive logic programming. Contributions of type 2 include abductive logic programming alp 11 and use the languages prolog with constraint handling rules chr 1 4. Kakas and mancarella 1990b, kakas and mancarella 1990a, console et al. So you can see that abductive and deductive are acting as tactical solvers inside a larger asp process. Logic programming and knowledge representationthe a. Reasoning on datalog ontologies with abductive logic programming. Attempts to make abductive reasoning an effective computational tool have given rise to abductive logic programming alp which combines abduction with standard logic programming.

Section 4 shows how the considered datalog language can be mapped into sciff, and the kind of queries that the abductive proof procedure can handle. Logic programming is a programming paradigm which is largely based on formal logic. In all of these languages, rules are written in the form of clauses. Browse other questions tagged prolog logicprogramming functionallogicprogr or. Formalizing negotiations using logic programming acm. Section 6 concludes the paper, and outlines future work. Most known systems are based on metalevel architectures which means that abductive logic programs are interpreted.

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